
Student: Connor Zendzian, 2021-2022

Sponsor: Dr. Nosang Myung, Notre Dame, IN

In recent years, technology has begun to mimic the 5 human senses more each day. Our smartphones have the ability to hear, see and be touched all within the palm of our hands, however, our phone’s still lack the ability to smell and taste. This gap in what technology is capable of is rapidly decreasing, as research exploring the importance of odor in areas such as cancer detection and hazardous work environments has exploded.

Dr. Nosang Myung and his team of researchers have successfully developed “electronic nose” technology that successfully mimics the function of an olfactory system. Many markets are interested in applying this technology including the defense, medical, and home appliance industries.

This ESTEEM Capstone project is focused on working with Dr. Myung to build a startup from his revolutionary technology. This includes researching and pinpointing the most prolific and interested markets as well as determining the most lucrative channel to sell the technology. It is the end goal that, after determining the final form factor of the product, the technology will be in the position to acquire funding at the local, state and federal level.