PMI Baseline Extensions

Student: Kanami Kitagawa, 2020-2021

Sponsor: Project Management Institute, Pennsylvania

Project Management Institute is the world's leading association for those who consider project, program or portfolio management their profession, and serves over 3 million individuals. However, until recently, PMI did not offer training/education tools for individuals tasked with managing a project for their first time. The PMI Innovation department developed a web application product called Baseline, which helps new project managers or anyone leading a project for the first time hit the ground running with advice, best practices, tools, and templates. While the application continues to be refined, the team now needs to figure out how to best serve users who have completed the Baseline course. What products can we develop, or how can we direct them to existing products within PMI, to help enhance their ability to get project work done? I will be working with the team on customer validation and segmentation, building and testing of the prototype, and ultimately, launch of the new product.