Flagship Management: HIPAA Analytics, Market Analysis, and Commercialization

Student: Bryson Meiling, 2021-2022

Sponsor: Flagship Management, Philidelphia, PA

Flagship is a medical equipment company that services and maintains the equipment found at many PT clinics across the country. Flagship employs many field technicians, which 70% are veterans and has reputable business with many partners to be a one-stop-shop for medical equipment by managing the equipment’s lifecycle including sale, delivery and installation, repair, maintenance, and disposal. While the technicians are out in the field, they collect information about the equipment that they service and repair. This information has grown to become more detailed, giving insights into the cybersecurity.

The main problem that has now become clear is that with all this information about devices and equipment, how can Flagship commercialize this information into a useful product that solves many of the cybersecurity issues that have become more severe in healthcare?

By working with industry experts ( Information Security Officers, Clinicians, Directors ) in healthcare, this project will find a marketable solution that solves cybersecurity issues found at many clinics and hospitals across the nation.