What to Look for in an MBA Entrepreneurship Program

Author: Notre Dame ESTEEM


When you decide to take that first step towards pursuing a career in entrepreneurship, one option that often pays dividends is to a degree program to help set you down a path to success.  With so many different business schools to wade through and so many unique degree options to choose from, it it imperative to find a program that suits your needs while at the same time setting you up for future success.

Given the current state of the job market and relevant trends in higher education, getting an MBA in a specific field such as entrepreneurship will go a long way towards providing you with the skills and credentials necessary to make a splash in the world of small business.

But what makes a specific degree worth pursuing?

Below are three key areas you’ll want focus on when looking for the best available MBA entrepreneurship programs:

Street Cred.

AKA, what type of reputation does the program in question have within the industry?  As a staple of Notre Dame’s history of scholastic excellence, ESTEEM (the university’s Engineering, Science, and Technology Entrepreneurship Excellence Masters Program) is infused with an inherent level of prestige in both the worlds of academia and business.  

Instructors with Real World Experience.

There is nothing worse then deciding to invest your time and energy in learning a new craft only to find that the people tasked with imparting their knowledge to you have zero real world experience.  In ESTEEM that couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Professors have expertise in all areas of innovation, including Engineering, Science, and Business, and and bring to the table years of first hand experience working in top level positions at companies of all shapes and sizes.  

Access to Funding for Your Ideas!

At ESTEEM you will have access to the $3.5 million Irish Innovation Fund.  The primary goal of the fund is to jumpstart student-led ventures at Notre Dame, and provides a great opportunity for students to get down and dirty doing what they entered the program to do: innovate.  

There obviously other factors that go into finding a program, but if you can at least follow the basic guidelines above you’ll be well on your way towards earning an education that will pay dividends in the end.