Author: Notre Dame ESTEEM

We've been talking a lot about what it takes to be a good CEO and what types of degree get you the best CEO - a sort of Business vs Engineering show down. So we decided to create an original infographic to illustrate some of the statistics about "CEO Degrees". It should also be noted that, of all those who cite themselves as a CEO or Founder on Facebook (124,977 people) only 158 have both engineering and business degrees, which is what makes the ESTEEM program all the more important.

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What is the CEO Degree? It's a toss up between Engineering and Business - here is an infographic that at what degree most CEOs have and what companies hire folks with those degrees


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<p>The CEO Degree - An infographic by the team at <a href="">The CEO Degree</a>
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<img src="" width="540">
<p>The CEO Degree - An infographic by the team at <a href="">The CEO Degree</a></p>