Seán Roche

Class of 2023-2024

University College Dublin (UCD)

Why did you choose ESTEEM?

I chose ESTEEM because I realized that this program was the next step for me and my career journey. In the summer of 2022 I was a research assistant at Notre Dame, spending ten weeks within The Nuclear Science Laboratory. It was here that I met last year’s cohort of ESTEEM students, a group of ambitious people who were passionate about this program and what it meant to their future. At the time I didn’t see myself as an entrepreneur, but throughout the summer they piqued my curiosity. As I researched more about ESTEEM and learned about the capstone project, exit opportunities, the learn-by-doing mantra really appealed to me.

What is your Capstone Project and why are you excited about it?

This capstone project involves working with Lenovo to find innovative ways to integrate Generative AI within their current ThinkStation portfolio. The goal is to uncover solutions that drive productivity gains and boost efficiency within content creation and big data verticals. As world leaders in PC sales, with a global reputation in high-performance computing, Lenovo is perfectly positioned to capitalize on the fast-growing trend of generative AI in the workplace. Generative AI models have captured imaginations around the world and become household names in a few short months, through a tidal wave of innovation, hype, and speculation. If Lenovo can find a way to ride this wave, there is no doubt that they can cement themselves as an innovative force within their industry and position the company as an essential player in the ever-evolving landscape of Industry 4.0. This project seeks to explore this future with Lenovo and create impactful solutions that give their customers a competitive edge.

What do you hope to do after ESTEEM?

After ESTEEM, I hope to continue to leverage my background in research, physics, and AI to find innovative solutions within the technology sector. I’m excited to have the opportunity to stay in the US short-term and gain the kind of work experience I could never have dreamed of back home.

What do you like to do in your free time?

When I was not working back in Ireland I used to love trail running along the Wicklow Mountains near Dublin. There isn’t a mountain in sight around here, so now I run around Notre Dame’s beautiful lakes instead. Other than that, I've gotten involved with our ESTEEM volleyball and flag football teams as well as the ND GAA squad.


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