Grace Gwini

Class of 2023-2024

National University of Science and Technology
Medicine and Surgery

Why did you choose ESTEEM?

I chose ESTEEM to complement my medical background with business and technology skills. As a medical doctor, I am passionate about improving healthcare delivery and outcomes. The multidisciplinary ESTEEM curriculum bridges my clinical experience with essential entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology commercialization training. The capstone project opportunity allows me to immediately apply these skills to tackle real-world healthcare challenges.

What is your Capstone Project and why are you excited about it?

This capstone project focuses on developing a hospital commercialization strategy for Vital View Technologies (VVT), a start-up leveraging the University of Notre Dame's novel Radio Frequency Polarization Mode Dispersion sensing technology. This technology, developed by the University's very own Dr. Pratt, enables remote, continuous, and contactless monitoring of patient fluid levels to facilitate early clinical intervention. While VVT has initially targeted fluid overload conditions like Congestive Heart Failure, this project aims to evaluate additional high-value applications within the hospital setting. Through stakeholder interviews, needs analysis, and financial modeling, this project aims to uncover specific hospital needs where VVT's sensing platform can significantly impact care delivery and outcomes. By synthesizing perspectives from diverse hospital stakeholders, this project will provide data-driven strategic recommendations to pave the way for broader VVT adoption in hospitals nationwide. Unlocking the full potential of this novel sensing technology in the hospital environment could transform care across numerous chronic conditions.

What do you hope to do after ESTEEM?

After completing the ESTEEM program, my goal is to leverage my cross-disciplinary training to improve healthcare systems globally. My dream is to work at the intersection of medicine, technology, and business consulting to develop innovative and scalable solutions that expand healthcare access and improve patient outcomes worldwide. Specifically, I aim to join a leading healthcare consultancy where I can utilize my medical knowledge and business acumen to help transform care delivery. I want to collaborate with diverse stakeholders - from health systems, payers and medtech companies to startups and nonprofits - to design people-centered programs grounded in empathy. Whether crafting localized strategies to strengthen primary care in rural communities or deploying emerging technologies to increase hospital efficiency, I strive to make care more equitable. My long-term dream is to pioneer a social impact consultancy dedicated to enacting systemic changes through practical implementation support. I hope to assemble interdisciplinary teams to tackle entrenched global health challenges head-on, combining hard science and compassionate care. My ultimate vision is the creation of sustainable, locally-driven solutions that empower underserved populations to reclaim agency over their health and wellbeing.

What do you like to do in your free time?

My insatiable wanderlust has earned me the nickname "Vasco Da Gama", from my mother. When I'm not studying, you can find me cycling the tarmac or traveling to experience new cultures and traditions. Lately, I've also picked up baking - though my waistline is feeling the effects of all those fresh-baked treats! Giving back through volunteering recharges my soul, and I find joy in helping in the communities surrounding me and mentoring disadvantaged youth. The diversity of my interests reflects my curiosity and passion for living life to the fullest. While my studies keep me busy, I make time for activities and people who nourish my spirit. The open road and unexplored trail are siren calls I simply can't ignore!


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