Ciara Dillon

Class of 2023-2024

University College Dublin
Bachelors of Engineering (Mechanical)

Why did you choose ESTEEM?

I choose ESTEEM because it is an opportunity to hone in on the strategic skills required to bring the right technology to the right market. I come from the very technical degree of Mechanical Engineering, where I got to work on medical devices and technologies. I was curious about how to actualize a technology that reaches the hands of a consumer/customer.

What is your Capstone Project and why are you excited about it?

This capstone project is involved with the Return to Hospital Project for General Genomics Inc. (GGI), an early-stage AI start-up located in Oklahoma City. General Genomics Inc. specializes in developing commercial software interfaces and machine learning models that leverage an individual's health history and genetics. GGI's mission is to utilize objective data science to furnish medical professionals and patients with unbiased, personalized risk assessments for diseases and treatment options. In the United States, hospital readmissions represent a $25 billion issue. The Return to Hospital Project by GGI aims to enhance the objectivity of discharge decisions for U.S. patients, as well as serve as a risk assessment tool for individuals admitted to Long-Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facilities. The primary objective of this project is to formulate a comprehensive go-to-market plan for the Return to Hospital Tool, along with financial statements, market analysis, and competitive strategies to support GGI's endeavors. This technology promises to empower patients to take greater control over their health while equipping healthcare professionals with valuable decision-making tools. Addressing health equity, a paramount global challenge, can be seen at the core of GGI's technology, as it has the potential to eliminate bias from the healthcare decision-making process.

What do you hope to do after ESTEEM?

After ESTEEM, I hope to work in a company who shares a similar vision with me for the future of healthcare/sustainability, and who wants to change the current standards for these industries! I would also love to get back into a start-up where I can get my hands dirty and make an impact with a great team, through R&D and Product Development. Further down the road, I would love to run an incubator where I get to support impactful projects looking to enter the US market.

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time I love running with the ESTEEM Run Club around the twin lakes after my classes in the evening! It is a great break from studying and really fun. Currently, I am on the ND Club Tennis Team, so I like to train with them, and hope to represent Notre Dame at competitions in the Midwest.


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