Brandon Mammano

Class of 2023-2024

Miami University (of Ohio)
Mechanical Engineering

Why did you choose ESTEEM?

I chose to be a part of the ESTEEM program because I wanted to grow my skills in business and entrepreneurship so they would coincide with my undergraduate Mechanical Engineering background. Learning how businesses succeed and grow is an invaluable experience and the ESTEEM program provides me with the right blend of real-time expertise and real-world experience. I learned a lot from my undergraduate engineering program and was looking for my next step towards growing and utilizing my skills to contribute to my future company and ESTEEM was the perfect fit!

What is your Capstone Project and why are you excited about it?

Tessellated Inc. seeks to define their company's go-to-market strategy for the production of their products. They manufacture sheets of high strength polymer films that can withstand high intensity loads and are thermally conductive. This polymer can be applied to different applications in several markets including construction, energy, and military defense. The focus of this capstone is to conduct research to understand and identify the best market for Tessellateds’ product and link possible customers for future technology adoption.

What do you hope to do after ESTEEM?

After ESTEEM, I would like to join a company who provides me with an opportunity to guide a team towards implementing innovative solutions to make life easier and happier for everyone. This could be by designing state of the art machines or conceiving new ways to improve processes in the workplace, utilizing the skills I garnered during ESTEEM.

What do you like to do in your free time?

When I’m not working I enjoy rocking out to music, hanging out with friends, paddle boarding, watching movies, and playing my ukulele.


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