LinkedIn as a Tool to Spark Innovation

Author: Jarrett Haley


Let’s admit it: LinkedIn is probably the least fun among the social networks. It’s that stuffy person at the party who never lets himself loosen up, keeping a professional front even while Facebook is busy being Liked and Twitter bounces off the walls, shouting @everyone.

So what to do with LinkedIn, besides update it every few months with the minor changes to your resume? Stefan Lindegaard offers some suggestions at his blog, as part of a longer series detailing what to do with any social network. But for now, how do we learn to love LinkedIn? Here’s a preview of some not-so-obvious ideas:

• Engage in special interest groups. A double-edged sword, says Lindegaard, as there are plenty to choose from, but just as much spam. Still, there are good discussions to be had.

• Create your own special interest groups. Though Lindegaard recommends asking yourself if there really is a need for the group making sure you have the resources to facilitate.

• Use LinkedIn Answers to post questions and answer others. A good way to draw attention to your interest in a topic, Lindegaard says. And as answers get “rated” as well, it can build credibility if you get involved.

That’s just the short list—check out the article for more. And in the meantime, what do you think of LinkedIn? A useful tool? A necessary bore? Let us know!!