ESTEEM Thesis Advisor starts The Lab for Innovation, Modeling and Building (LIMB)

Author: Valeria Gonzalez

Matt LeevyMatt Leevy

Besides being an ESTEEM Thesis Advisor, Research Associate Professor in Biology, and leading an independent research lab, Matthew Leevy still finds time to be a serial entrepreneur and intrapreneur. His most recent project, The Lab for Innovation, Modeling and Building (LIMB), he describes as a “place where people can take an idea that is rattling around in their head, convert it into a digital model, and then create a physical prototype.  These steps can be iterated in the pursuit of a minimal viable product that may be commercialized.” ESTEEM student and designer for the LIMB, Adrian Rodriguez, had a simpler description of the venture just claiming, “we make cool stuff.”

Adrian Rodriguez working at LIMB

The LIMB has a unique approach compared to other fab labs due to how they weave in the design component to the prototyping process. In the last year, the LIMB has created prototypes for five ESTEEM projects and two undergraduate companies, and they are eager to assist the Notre Dame and South Bend communities in commercialization, research, and/or educational projects.  

LIMB Office Space


For incoming ESTEEM students, Leevy suggests to get started on their product ideas as soon as possible and iterate a lot. “It is all about the minimal viable product. The sooner that is done, the sooner you can launch!”