DermaDiagnostics: Point of care detection platform for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and gynecologic cancers

Student: Eydis Lima, 2017-2018

Sponsor: DermaDiagnostics/Eydis Lima, South Bend, IN

To date, no rapid diagnosis or combined diagnosis-treatment for gynecologic malignancies such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or cervical cancers exists. Leaving patients susceptible to high risks of sexual health problems: from HIV/AIDS, to infertility, complications during pregnancy and childbirth – to transmission to newborn, and to other aggressive types of gynecologic cancers. According to the World Health Organization, on a yearly basis there are 357 million new cases of four treatable sexually transmitted infections and an estimated 530,000 cases of cervical cancer; with over 50% resulting in deaths each year. A microneedle-mediated intradermal diagnostic patch to detect asymptomatic STIs and gynecologic cancers is of utmost need in our rapidly evolving globalized world. The physical, psychological and social consequences of sexual and reproductive health compromise rigorously the quality of life of those ill and exposed. Therefore, a new technology wave valuable to patient health advocacy will ameliorate unforeseeable complications.