AddEvent (SendUpdate)

Student: Nic Zenker, 2017-2018

Sponsor: AddEvent, South Bend, IN

This year I will work with AddEvent to help launch a one-to-many communication service called SendUpdate, which will enable publishers, communities and other groups to send real-time updates to their users/members via multiple channels such as SMS, email and social media. For example, football coaches, teachers and other leaders could send immediate updates to their users if scheduling changes occur.

Specifically, I will perform market research and customer validation for SendUpdate. I will also conduct a thorough review of SendUpdate’s technology and that of its relevant competitors, and create an IP landscape review. Based upon findings, I will then develop a go-to market strategy, build a 36 month budget, launch SendUpdate, and conduct a post launch assessment.

I will also be working to evaluate and optimize existing API services, such as AddEvent, CalendarX, and TimezoneAPI. I will be collaborating with and reporting to Michael Nilsson and Brian Flynn, both of whom will provide guidance and mentorship throughout the year.